
A new program in Washington, D.C., is training wounded warriors in computer forensics to track down child predators. Known as the H.E.R.O. Child-Rescue Corp, the program is the brainchild of PROTECT, a children's lobbying group, and currently consists of 17 veterans.

"There's a war going on against American children. We're not sending in child advocates, we're sending special operations forces," said Grier Weeks, executive director of PROTECT. 

After an 11-week training course in computer forensics and legal analysis, the veterans work as interns at Immigration and Customs Enforcement field offices for one year, according to The Associated Press. The majority of their work is focused on child pornography cases, analyzing evidence needed to prosecute suspects and determining if there are abused children still in need of help. 

While the issues they're dealing with may be difficult, it has helped veterans find a new purpose in life after service.

"I feel I'm still serving my country and protecting my family at the same time," Afghanistan and Iraq war veteran Oskar Zepeda told the news source. 

Although they are not compensated for their work, many of the interns receive disability paychecks, as well as monthly stipends for education assistance, the news outlet stated.