Protection you and your family can count on
Ensure peace of mind. Protect your family financially from an unexpected death and loss of income with the Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) member benefits funded by group level term life insurance and underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company. Fed Term is specially designed for federal employees and contractors, current and former state, municipal and local government employees.
Product features

24-hour coverage
No war or terrorism exclusions. You are covered on and off duty with no hazardous, line of duty or occupational restrictions.

Emergency death benefit
Once you have coverage for two years, up to $15,000 of the total death benefit is released as an Emergency Death Benefit (EDB).*

Keep the coverage
After you retire or separate, you can continue your coverage for you and your family as long as contributions are paid.

Spouse and child coverage
Easily purchase coverage using the same enrollment form.

Family survivor college scholarship
As a unique member benefit, AFBA is proud to offer families of eligible fallen members the Charles C. Blanton AFBA Family Survivor College Scholarship. Surviving spouse and children are eligible for $10,000 per year, up to a total maximum benefit for the entire family of $40,000 toward an undergraduate degree, license or certification.
Not available in New York. In Virginia, only available to First Responders.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to apply for coverage?
U.S. citizens who are current or former federal, state, municipal, and local government employees (excluding non-federal first responder personnel), government contractors, and their families. Individuals between the ages of 18-64 are eligible to apply.
What are available coverage amounts?
Coverage from $50,000 to $500,000. $250,000 max for deployed or deployable contractors.
Do I need a medical exam?
No medical exam for sponsors under age 50 for up to $250,000, ages 50-55 for up to $100,000, and ages 56-59 for $50,000 of total insurance coverage. No medical exam for spouses under age 40 for up to $250,000, ages 40-49 for up to $150,000, ages 50-55 for up to $100,000, and ages 56-59 for $50,000 of total insurance coverage. Just complete the enrollment form and answer a few health questions. Coverage is not guaranteed to issue and is dependent upon the answers to the health questions.
What happens when I retire or separate?
As long as contributions are paid, coverage continues to age 70. (After 70th birthday, coverage terminates on anniversary date.) There are no occupation restrictions, so regardless of what you do after separation or any health issues that develop in the future, you’re covered.
Can I apply if I smoke?
Yes. Tobacco and non-tobacco rates are available. A tobacco user is one who has used tobacco/nicotine products in the past 12 months. Marijuana use will be considered and, if approved, the rate charged will be the tobacco rate.
How does children’s coverage work?
Dependent children under age 21 (23 if a full-time student) are eligible for coverage under the Children’s Rider. Simply answer a few health questions. Ages 15 days to 6 months: $1 per $1,000 of coverage up to $5,000. Ages 6 months to 21 years: $1 per $5,000 of coverage up to $25,000.
We also offer Children’s Protect Term Life Insurance which provides $50,000 of individual coverage.
What are the available methods of payment?
- Checkmatic/credit card
- Payroll deduct
- Direct bill
We're here to help
Already a member? Visit the support center to file a claim, make a payment or change to your account, answer questions about your coverage, and more.
Support Center*EDB is released within one business day once all requirements are met. It can be done over the phone without the need to provide a death certificate as long as third-party proof of death can be verified (subject to contestability).
Survivor benefits provided by AFBA are underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company (a Lincoln, Nebraska company) with an administrative office at 909 N. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Survivor benefits not available in all states and U.S. Territories. Group Policy: LT050197(Rev)