
A recent report from the Rand Corporation suggests that now is a good time to lower military pay raises. Researchers say current pay levels are fair compared to civilian salaries and given the high recruiting and retention rates, it may make good fiscal sense to put a hold on any increases, Military Times reports.

The report was created for the Department of Defense (DoD), which is considering lowering pay raises by 2015. The team found that lowering yearly raises to below the level that civilians receive would not hurt the military in a substantial way. Furthermore, it suggests that one-time bonuses or special pays can help recruitment and retention better than across-the-board raises.

The report also offered up some ways for the DoD to go about limiting raises. Among its suggestions were a one-year freeze on raises of any kind or setting one level for four years, regardless of what is happening in the civilian sector.

The report is part of what will surely be a lengthy battle on potential budget cuts and fee hikes for the military in the next few months. Currently, the United States spends about $700 billion each year on defense.