The past two years have taken its toll on the American people, but the Armed Forces have also devoted considerable time and energy to protecting communities from the effects of COVID-19. This is especially true for the National Guard, who were sent into action to support healthcare workers across the country. The National Guard provided homeland support by working in hospitals, prisons, nursing homes and testing centers. However, there are some states that are rolling back their support and returning to their regular duties. Let's take a brief look at what is happening and the implications for both active duty and civilians.
Where are COVID-19 official missions ending?
In late March 2022, the Deputy Secretary of Defense issued guidance on the reentry of Department of Defense (DoD) employees to their normal workplaces, which included the National Guard protocol. This was due to the declining impact of the COVID-19 in some areas. From here, states have made their own judgments based on local situations and requirements about whether to end or slow down their pandemic-related support.
Here are some of the states that have ended their COVID-19 pandemic missions:
According to Fox 13 News, "the Utah National Guard's COVID-19 Joint Task Force announced they will "relinquish its support" after supporting the state for two years in fighting the coronavirus." The news outlet reports that this was decided on because case counts are decreasing at a steady rate.
The Pennsylvania National Guard ended its COVID-19 response mission in late March as well. According to Maj. Gen. Mark Schindler, Pennsylvania adjutant general, "Over the past two years, Pennsylvania National Guard Soldiers and Airmen have risen to the challenge and demonstrated an unwavering dedication to their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am truly proud of their dedicated service and sacrifice during this unprecedented time." He notes that they are ready to take action if needed in the future.
The Connecticut National Guard officially ended its COVID-19 response mission when the Guard gave up the keys to the state commodities warehouse in New Britain to the Connecticut Department of Health in March 2022. During the two years of pandemic support, they performed more than 1,000 missions all while helping with Hurricane Isaias clean-up and attending to regular duties.
News source KUNR reported that Nevada's COVID-19 mission was the "longest activation since World War II," and was set to end that month. Much like the rest of the nation's National Guard, the Nevada Guard not only provided intense support during the pandemic but also responded to more than 70 other missions during the two-year period.
In March, the Hawaii National Guard Joint Task Force returned the obligation of COVID-19 support to the state. This includes vaccinations, tests, mapping, temperature control and other responsibilities. On March 14, 2022, Mayor Michael Victorino proclaimed the day National Guard Appreciation Day in Maui County. The day is to commemorate the National Guard's servicemember's support of the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.
More states are likely to follow suit as the pandemic continues to fluctuate. It is important to note that there are ongoing efforts in all 50 states and territories to end the effects of the virus, but now they are out of the National Guard's jurisdiction. Servicemembers and their families are able to breathe easier knowing they are no longer entering unknown scenarios on a daily basis and can return to regular activities supporting their community needs.