

First responders like firefighters, emergency medical professionals and police officers devote their lives to their communities. The past few years have displayed that the extreme importance of first responders can not be overstated. First responders come in the form of volunteers, part-time employees and people whose only job is serving their area.

Our nation needs firefighters, law enforcement officers, and EMTs more than ever, but the reality is that there is a shortage of first responders across the country. As of 2020, 60 million Americans are unable to receive emergency help because they live in an area without assistance.

You may want to show your appreciation to the first responders in your community that come to work every day to answer emergencies, but don’t know where to start. Here are three simple ways Americans can thank a hero.

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1. Offer discounts

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median pay for paramedics and firefighters is $17.62 per hour. The BLS mentions that their work environment is usually very difficult and that they regularly face stressful situations that are even potentially life or death.

Because of their devotion to a job that does not typically yield many monetary rewards, business owners often implement a first responder discount program. This is especially true in the hospitality industry. For example, hotels often have discounts that allow first responders to stay for a cheaper price. The following is a list of a few hotels that first responders can stay at for a discounted rate:

If you own a small business, consider offering a first responder discount. Even something small can mean a lot to these professionals. Aside from helping them save money, it is a gesture that shows recognition of their service.

2. Donate your time or money

When people hear the term “donate,” they often only think of giving money to a charitable organization. Even though monetary donations are always welcome if possible, there are plenty of other ways to give.

Consider donating your time to a local fire department or organization as a volunteer. The shortage of first responders has nearly reached crisis level. This was true even before the international public health disaster of 2020. As a volunteer, you’d be taking some of the burden of labor off of the full-time professionals. In addition, you’ll no doubt learn skills and information that you wouldn’t have otherwise known. Learn how to become a volunteer firefighter or EMT by contacting your local departments.

3. Respect your community

Aside from acting respectfully directly to the first responders themselves, acting responsibly in your everyday life is impactful. For example, about 90% of fires are started by people. American citizens could reduce that number simply by being more aware of their surroundings and the impact of their misplaced campfire. Following fire safety best practices would certainly ease the workload of both urban and rural firefighters.

The same idea applies to driving carefully, staying home when you are sick, and generally considering the impact of your behavior. Inebriated driving is another good example of how your personal choices affect more than just yourself. Even if you would never drive drunk, it’s important to hold your friends and family to the same standard. Aside from the terrible repercussions, you’ll be avoiding using resources for something that was completely preventable.

By following safety guidelines, you are directly reducing any unnecessary burden on the already overworked first responders in your area.